About the
Jayanti being a brand from Rajasthan wanted to expand its market. One of the first things the client wanted was to enter the Delhi NCR market where the brand was relatively unknown. Plus, the brand had a regional tag so in a market dominated by the giant soft drink brands it was next to impossible to make a mark for itself in a short period of time. Yet the time was short and the brand was all set to make its foray. Jaljeera or fizzy cumin water drink was known to be a great digestor specially in the hot and dry summer months of North India yet Jaljeera was made in most North Indian homes hence the category was well known. The challenge was to make the brand a household name.
What the brand needed was an entry point in the minds of the consumers. As a digestor it was a unique differentiator but the communication challenge was to convert it as a strong benefit for the users to prefer it over a Coke or Pepsi as they also had similar properties and with a certain edge. Hence The positioning was critical and the objective was to create a buzzword with the brand which the brand the line Hazme ka lalantop drink.
One of those rare campaigns where the act of creating the campaign became fun for the agency team. The brand rode over several PJs being exchanged between the 2 characters Mirchi (red chilli) and a Lemon, who were best of friends but never loses an opportunity to take a swipe at each other. Agency rolled out a series of Print ads, Radio spots, in-shop POS, Viral videos, Outdoors and a Website, creating a complete 360-degree effect. All possible touchpoints were covered. The campaign caught the imagination of the driving traffic and a huge recall happened which helped the brand to create a ripple in the market. People asked for the drink in the shops. The buzz finally happened and the rest is history they say.